Everybody Loves Line Dancing



Everybody Loves Line Dancing is a program dedicated to promoting health and wellness among older adults through line dancing. The program offers a fun and engaging way to exercise, with social and nutritional activities included. Line dancing is a low-impact activity that encourages older adults with limited mobility to move and interact with others without the need for a dance partner.

The program consists of a 6-week class series, designed to provide participants with a comprehensive experience that improves both physical and social wellness. Each class is led by experienced instructors who are trained to work with older adults and accommodate different levels of mobility.

Everybody Loves Line Dancing is currently available at various locations throughout Solano and Napa County. You can find the schedule of classes in our event calendar, which is regularly updated with new dates and locations.

We believe that Everybody Loves Line Dancing is an excellent way to promote health and wellness among older adults. Research shows that regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve mental health, and increase social engagement. With this program, we aim to provide a fun and accessible way for older adults to achieve these benefits.

Interested in bringing this program to your facility?  Please contact Innovative Health Solutions.